The stigma associated with mental illness can be divided into two types:
● The self-perceived stigma- which involves an internalized stigma the person with the mental illness suffers from
● The social stigma - which involves the prejudiced attitudes others have around mental illness
How can you help yourself? Fighting self-perceived stigma
The first step towards fighting your mental illness is acknowledging that it matters.
Your mental health matters more than your pride. Being diagnosed with a mental health issue is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. Hiding your problems and hoping they disappear on their own will never work. You have to take action. You have to choose to work on them. It is your right to be as happy as you can be. It is your right to be as healthy as you can be,
Your mental health matters more than your comfort zone. It’s scary to visit a support group. It’s scary to ask for help, and it’s even scarier to come to terms with the fact that there might be something wrong with you. But understand that your comfort zone is a temporary safe space, only till you are able to get to the headspace where you truly belong.
Your mental health matters more than your career. You might be swamped with work, and might use that as a constant excuse to put off your journey of self-healing. It is okay to relax once in a while, instead of working yourself to exhaustion. It is okay to ask your boss for a day off, so you can distress and maybe schedule that doctor’s appointment that has been long overdue. It is okay to cut
a few hours early to catch up with a friend or spend time with family that lifts your spirits. You will never be able to get ahead in your career if you keep pushing your health to the side.
Your mental health matters more than your reputation. If there is someone looking down on you for getting the help you need, they need to reshape their approach. Remember to ignore their negativity, and be proud of yourself for taking steps to better yourself. The fact that you acknowledge that there is a need to make a change, is in itself a huge step.
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Healthy living starts at home, with you. Visit your local medicine shoppe for more info on how to keep your family healthy.